Fatykhova Adeliia¶

Email: adafatyhova@kpfu.ru
Master in Organic Chemistry (2016-2018): Kazan Federal University, A.M. Butlerov Institute of Chemistry
2017 - 2021: Chemoinformatic researcher at Laboratory of chemoinformatics and molecular modeling, Kazan Federal University
Sep 2020 - Nov 2020: Chemoinformatic researcherat University of Strasbourg, Laboratory of Chemoinformatics, Strasbourg, France
2021 - present: Assistant at Department of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry. Disciplines:
/ computer operating systems and networks
/ object-oriented programming
/ software management
/ internet technologies
2021 - present: Chemoinformatic researcher at Laboratory of intelligent chemical robotics, Kazan Federal University
Laureate of the Ostrogradsky scholarship for scientific research in Laboratory of chemoinformatics at the University of Strasbourg (2020)
Participating in Grants of Russian Scientific Fond (2017 - 2022)
Timur Gimadiev, Ramil Nugmanov, Aigul Khakimova, Adeliya Fatykhova, Timur Madzhidov, Pavel Sidorov, Alexandre Varnek (2021). CGRdb2.0: A Python Database Management System for Molecules, Reactions, and Chemical Data. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.1c01105
Fatykhova A.A. Prediction of synthesis path of chemical compound and its analogues / Nougmanov R.I., Mukhametgaleev R.N., Madzhidov T.I. , Varnek A. // XII International Conference on Chemistry for Young Scientists “Mendeleev 2021” - Book of Abstracts (St Petersburg, September 06-10, 2021). - St Petersburg, 2021. - P. 125.
Fatykhova A. Computational Reactor for chemical synthesis planning: generation of possible reactions involving given chemical compound / A. Fatykhova, R. Nugmanov, R. Mukhametgaleev, T. Madzhidov, A. Varnek // XI International Conference on Chemistry for Young Scientists «Mendeleev 2019« (September 9–13, 2019): book of abstracts, 2019. - P. 395.
Fatykhova A. Computational Reactor for chemical synthesis planning: generation of possible reactions involving given chemical compound / A. Fatykhova, R. Nugmanov, R. Mukhametgaleev, T. Madzhidov, A. Varnek // XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry (September 9-13, 2019). Book 1: Abstracts. – Saint Petersburg, 2019 - P. 137.
Fatykhova A. Computational Reactor: generation of possible products of reactions involving given chemical compound / A. Fatykhova, R. Nugmanov, R. Mukhametgaleev, T. Madzhidov, A. Varnek // Markovnikov Congress on Organic Chemistry (June 21-28, 2019): book of abstracts, 2019. - P 56.
Fatykhova A. Automated system for searching reactions, reaction centers and analysis of protective groups using CGR-DB cartridge / A. Fatykhova, R. Nugmanov, R. Mukhametgaleev, S. Musaeva, V. Afonina, T. Madzhidov, A. Varnek //In search of models for personalized medicine. Abstracts volume of V International conference “POSTGENOME’2018” (October 29 - November 2, 2018) - Kazan: KFU publishing office. 2018. - P. 319.
Fatykhova A. On-line reaction database cartridge with built-in condensed graph of reaction-based search engine / A. Fatykhova, R. Nugmanov, T. Madzhidov, A. Varnek // Third International School-Seminar «From Empirical to Predictive Chemistry« (April 5–7, 2018, Kazan, Russia): book of abstracts / ed.: T.I. Madzhidov, V.A. Afonina; I.S. Antipin. Kazan: Kazan University Press, 2018. – P. 96.
Fatykhova A. Integrated cartridge for database of chemical reactions management — CGR-db / A. Fatykhova, R. Nugmanov, T. Madzhidov, A. Varnek // 3rd International school-conference for students and young scientists «Materials and technologies of XXI«: October 29 - 31 октября, 2018. - Kazan Federal University, 2018.